We Can Promise You The Moon. And Deliver.

Hear what a handful of our more than 1,000 clients and counting have to say about us.


  • “We could swear she was in our industry.”
  • “The experience has been fantastic…. The professionalism, the attention to detail, has really exceeded our expectations.”
  • “With Light Touch, you don’t have to choose between price and quality.”
  • “Every project we have worked on to date has turned out better than I/my team could envision.”

To learn more about how we might be able to help you and your team or to learn about our other services like infographics, product photography, brochure design, GIFs and more, contact us and we will get back to you promptly.

We help busy creatives deliver exceptional, effective content on time and on budget. From copywriting and graphic design to animation, illustration and videography, we deliver on our promises, always. No hand-holding, micro-management or extensive back-and-forth required. Contact us: hello@lighttouchmg.com

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